Privacy Policy
Rules for the protection of information on StickerFace Application Users
1. General 1.1. These Rules constitute an official document of “StickerFace”, limited liability company (hereinafter, the Administration), and establish the procedure of processing and ensuring protection of information on individuals (hereinafter, the Users) which use the services of the mobile application StickerFace (hereinafter, the Application).
1.2. These Rules are designed to ensure an adequate protection of Users’ information, including their personal data, from an unauthorized access and disclosure.
1.3. Relations arising out of the collection, storage, dissemination and protection of information about the Users are regulated by these Rules, by StickerFace User Rules and by the currently legislation of the Russia Federation.
1.4. The Administration is authorized to amend these Rules. When amending the Rules, the Administration shall duly notify the Users about this fact by placing a new version of the Rules in the Application at least 10 day before respective amendments come into force.
1.5. These Rules have been elaborated and are used according to the StickerFace User Rules. In case of any contradictions arising between these Rules and the StickerFace User Rules, these Rules shall prevail.
1.6. By registering at the Application and by using its services, the User expresses his/her agreement with the conditions of these Rules. If the User does not agree with the conditions of these Rules, any use of the Application and/or its services shall be terminated without delay.
2. Application terms of use
2.1. When granting Users the possibility to use the Application and its services, the Administration, acting in a reasonable manner and in good faith, believes that the User:
2.1. When granting Users the possibility to use the Application and its services, the Administration, acting in a reasonable manner and in good faith, believes that the User:
- possesses all required rights empowering him/her to register at and to use the Application;
- fills in reliable information about himself/herself in the amount sufficient to use the Application;
- is aware of the fact that the User’s personal information placed in the Application may become accessible for other Users of the Application and Internet, and it may be copied and disseminated by such Users;
- is aware of the fact that some types of information provided by him/her to other Users may not be deleted by the User him-/herself;
- has been familiarized with these Rules, agrees with them and assumes rights and obligations indicated therein.
3. Purposes of information processing
The Administration processes Users’ information, including their personal data, in line with the Administration’s obligations to Users with regard to the use of the Applications and its services.
The Administration processes Users’ information, including their personal data, in line with the Administration’s obligations to Users with regard to the use of the Applications and its services.
4. Composition of Users’ information
4.1. Users’ personal data:
4.1. Users’ personal data:
- (i) The Application does not store any Users’ personal data or share Users’ personal data with third parties;
- (ii) Photographs taken by the front-facing camera of the phone (granted the User has given permission to access the camera), which may contain User’s face, are used by the Application to create User’s digital avatar with the help of AI on the server side;
- (iii) Photographs provided by Users can be temporarily cached on the servers only for processing purposes and are not stored long-term;
- (i) standard technical data automatically obtained by the Administration after the User accesses the Application and performs other actions in the Application (IP-address, location at certain points of time, the type of the User’s operational system, Application sections visited by the User, information from cookies).
- (ii) information created by Users in the Application, including, photos, comments, additional personal information, i.e. gender (in order to customize the form of address to Users);
- (iii) information obtained as a result of the User’s actions in the Application;
- (iv) information obtained as a result of other Users’ actions when visiting the site (in particular, comments on photos left by other Users).
5. Processing of information on users
5.1. Personal data are processed on the basis of the following principles:
a) legitimacy of purposes and methods used to process personal data;
b) bona fide;
c) compliance with personal data processing purposes, which have been formulated beforehand and announced at the personal data collection stage, and also with the vested powers of the Administration;
d) correspondence between the volume and nature of personal data to be processed, personal data-processing methods and processing goals thereof.
e) inadmissibility of uniting incompatible databases, which contain personal data.
5.1. Personal data are processed on the basis of the following principles:
a) legitimacy of purposes and methods used to process personal data;
b) bona fide;
c) compliance with personal data processing purposes, which have been formulated beforehand and announced at the personal data collection stage, and also with the vested powers of the Administration;
d) correspondence between the volume and nature of personal data to be processed, personal data-processing methods and processing goals thereof.
e) inadmissibility of uniting incompatible databases, which contain personal data.
- 5.1.1. Conditions and objectives of personal data processing. The Administration of the site processes personal data of the User for the purpose of performing the contract concluded between the User and the Administration according to the StickerFace User Rules. As established by Article 6 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ as of 27.07.2007 “On Personal Data”, no separate user’s consent is needed to process his/her personal data.
- 5.1.2. The User’s personal data are collected in the Application at the point of registration and later when the User uses the Application and/or introduces additional personal information with the help of the Application tools. Personal data envisaged by sub-item (i) of item 4.1. of these Rules, are provided by the User and are the minimum which is required for the registration at the Application. Personal data envisaged by sub-item (ii) of item 4.1. of these Rules, are provided by the User in exceptional cases and when receiving respective requests from the Administration. Any other User information, including information envisaged by item 4.2. of these Rules, shall be additionally provided to the Administration by the User at the latter’s initiative.
- 5.1.3. User personal data are stored exclusively on electronic media and are processed by automatic systems, except for the cases when non-automated handling of personal data is needed to comply with legal requirements.
- 5.1.4. To socialize User at the site, which is owned by the Administration, at the moment the User is registered at the Application, his/her account is automatically generated. The User’s full name, as indicated in the Application, is assigned to such account. When entering the site, the User is requested to activate the created account. The procedure for handling User information at the site is regulated by the provisions of the Rules for the protection of information on the users of The current version of the Rules is placed as publicly open information in Internet. This item shall not cover instances when at the moment of registration in the Application, the User already owns a profile at StickerFace, for which the same e-mail address and/or the same mobile phone number is used.
- 5.1.5. The User personal information shall not be transferred to any third parties, excluding the cases directly foreseen by these Rules, by StickerFace User Rules or by current applicable law.
As instructed by the User or upon the User’s consent, it is possible to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties which are counterparties of the Administration on condition that such counterparties assume obligations to ensure the confidentiality of obtained information. - 5.1.6. The User’s personal data are deleted in the following cases:
– when the User deletes the data from his/her account in the Application;
– when the User deletes his/her account;
– when the Administration deletes information placed by the User, and also the User’s account.
After the User’s personal data are deleted, the Administration keeps them at own electronic media during the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6. Users’ rights and obligations
6.1. Users are entitled:
6.3. The Administration is not responsible for the disclosure of the User’s personal data by other Users of the Application and Internet, which got access to such data. The Administration recommends that Users take a responsible approach to the issue on the volume of their personal data to be placed in the Application.
6.4. The User realizes that upon deleting personal data (or any user information) from the User’s account or upon the delete of the User’s account from the Application, his/her personal information, which has been copied by other Users and which is kept in other Users’ accounts, may remain unchanged.
6.1. Users are entitled:
- 6.1.1. to access their personal information without any restrictions and free of charge by familiarizing with it in personal accounts in the Application;
- 6.1.2. acting on their own, to amend and add personal information in their accounts in the Application on condition that such amendments and additions contain relevant and reliable information;
- 6.1.3. to delete personal information from their account in the Application;
- 6.1.4. to demand that the Administration updates their personal data, block or delete them, if such data are incomplete, out-dated, unreliable, illegally obtained or are not needed for the declared objective of processing, and if it does not seem possible to perform on their own actions envisaged in ii. 6.1.2. and 6.1.3. of these Rules;
- 6.1.5. on the basis of a request, to obtain from the Administration information on handling personal data.
6.3. The Administration is not responsible for the disclosure of the User’s personal data by other Users of the Application and Internet, which got access to such data. The Administration recommends that Users take a responsible approach to the issue on the volume of their personal data to be placed in the Application.
6.4. The User realizes that upon deleting personal data (or any user information) from the User’s account or upon the delete of the User’s account from the Application, his/her personal information, which has been copied by other Users and which is kept in other Users’ accounts, may remain unchanged.
7. Measures to protect Users’ information
7.1. The Administration takes technical and organizational and legal measures aimed at protecting Users’ personal data from an illegal or incidental access, delete, change, blocking, copying, dissemination, and also from other illegitimate action.
7.2. Access to the Application is authorized via User login (e-mail address or mobile phone number) and password. The User shall bear responsibility for the safekeeping of this information. The User shall not pass over his/her login or password to third parties, and also shall take measures to ensure their confidentiality.
7.1. The Administration takes technical and organizational and legal measures aimed at protecting Users’ personal data from an illegal or incidental access, delete, change, blocking, copying, dissemination, and also from other illegitimate action.
7.2. Access to the Application is authorized via User login (e-mail address or mobile phone number) and password. The User shall bear responsibility for the safekeeping of this information. The User shall not pass over his/her login or password to third parties, and also shall take measures to ensure their confidentiality.
8. Users’ applications
8.1. Users are entitled to forward to the Administration their applications in writing, including applications regarding the use of their personal data, as specified by i. 6.1.6. of these Rules, at the following address: 12-14 Khersonskaya Street, Letter A, premises 1-H, St. Petersburg 191024.
8.2. Users’ applications shall contain the following information:
8.4. All correspondence received by the Administration from Users is regarded as restricted-access information and shall not be disclosed without the User’s written consent. Personal data and other information about the User who has sent an application shall not be used without the User’s special consent for other purposes except for the answer on the subject of the application received and for cases directly stipulated by law.
8.1. Users are entitled to forward to the Administration their applications in writing, including applications regarding the use of their personal data, as specified by i. 6.1.6. of these Rules, at the following address: 12-14 Khersonskaya Street, Letter A, premises 1-H, St. Petersburg 191024.
8.2. Users’ applications shall contain the following information:
- number of the main document identifying the User or his/her representative;
- information on the date of issue of the said document and the issuing body;
- information confirming the User’s relations with the Administration (specifically, e-mail address and/or telephone number, used by the User as his/her login for accessing the Application);
- the signature of the User or his/her representative.
8.4. All correspondence received by the Administration from Users is regarded as restricted-access information and shall not be disclosed without the User’s written consent. Personal data and other information about the User who has sent an application shall not be used without the User’s special consent for other purposes except for the answer on the subject of the application received and for cases directly stipulated by law.